
Friday, February 29, 2008 at 5:36 PM
Someone cleaned the kitchen and re-organized the pantry. Resulting in all of our food getting mixed up so we couldn’t tell which food belonged to whom.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 at 5:32 PM
Brityn got into some prestigious college up in Salt Lake and I was very jealous. I walked around the campus and it seemed very vintage like Harvard or Oxford. Vines grew everywhere. Ivy league for sure. The reason I didn’t get in was because it was a school for girls only. As I wandered away from campus towards the avenues, I stumbled upon the white house that I’ve dreamed about before. This is the one that is always haunted and possessed. At least a certain part of it in the basement. The upper floors are normally just wacky. I didn’t go near it this time because I could feel the evil flowing from it and just didn’t want to have anything to do with it.


Monday, February 25, 2008 at 5:31 PM
We were out wandering the neighborhood acting all suspicious by crossing through the back yards of people in our neighborhood. Apparently the cops were called on us and they kept looking for us. I would always stick right in between peoples yards so in case some one came out to yell get off their yard, I could quickly be in their neighbor’s yard. Some guy from SETI tried to show me some various gyroscopic devices once I got brought in for questioning. These devices were about 2-5 inches in diameter. We had seen something that we shouldn’t have and this guy was trying his best to convince us that what we saw was not extraterrestrial in origin. He then started to give me star charts of a certain star system so that I could look at all the data he had and see how impossible it would be to find the home planet. I took the plots and data and said “ I’ll just upload this data to my friends at Slashdot and they’ll find it quickly. Once such guy found a very cool photograph taken by the Hubble telescope showing a planet, with a cloud covered atmosphere, and through the clouds one could see city lights filling the surface.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at 5:30 PM
A big shot rich LDS car dealership owner (I think the ownership was Malone) Had some falling out with the church and with the community. There was a court hearing that was going down that didn’t exactly deal with him, but it dealt with him a in some way. He started texting the guy who was telling the story (our bishop?) When he was texting, he would say things like “I’m texting”. He decides to take an active roll in the court hearings then and there so he rips out of his garage in a large sporty semi and flys crazily to the court house. He was also greatly known for his reckless driving. Somehow, we lived near him and he tried to be a father to us, even though we already had a father. Mostly he would work on cars with us. Once he gave me a handful of Malone dealership plates or something from all the years past. Sort of collector cards or something. They all had the byu cheerleaders on them and it went all the way up to 2007.


Thursday, February 14, 2008 at 5:27 PM
On a routine white water rafting trip down in Southern Utah, Taylor and I discovered a number of random caves down the canyon. Each cave seemed to be unnatural and while exploring in one of the narrow tunnels, we came across an alien artifact. We later discovered that the artifacts would pull energy out of the atmosphere using the shape and charge of the mountain it was located in. Much like how the pyramids are said to focus astral energy. The artifacts were always unattended and we determined that the aliens would come to these locations whenever one of the “cubes” was full of energy. They would then use it to power their ships, etc. We ended up taking some canisters of energy to be able to prove to people our discovery but as soon as the aliens came to harvest the power, they discovered that some was missing. They hunted us down and explained everything to us before erasing our memories of the caves.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 5:26 PM
Somewhere down in Southern Utah there is a little known amusement park/resort. The inside is very large a spacious, but it’s also a high class restaurant. The theme had something to do with Atlantis, or it was a part of Atlantis itself. The room that was the most magnificent was of roman architecture, but it was so large. Literally miles deep and it had a large dome equally as high above it. Near the top where the dome started there was a walkway only it wasn’t suspended so much as it was a concrete wall like on a dam that rose up. Down below one could tell that there was water of some sort and there would be glowing lights like the eyes of a kraken that could barely be seen through the darkness. The room was full of natural light from a hole in the top of the dome, but the sheer depth of the chamber provided for an eerie darkness. Somewhere else, there was a type of ride similar to a log ride that went down chutes and slides. During slower parts it drifted through the dining areas. The eventual end was down at the lower levels of this pit-like structures. Below it was like medieval sewer systems. It was here where the Kraken lived. Somehow, the beast we saw was bipedal and it glowed. It wasn’t as large as the Kraken seemed from up on the pathway looking down, but it was unmistakable that the glowing creature and the Kraken were the one and the same. After this was over, we wandered outside to a mountainous region with rice patties and building structures reminiscent of ancient Taiwanese temples. Brightly colored flags/ribbons flapped in the wind. As we approached one such colorful temple, I gained possession of a sword sheathed in gold.


Monday, February 4, 2008 at 5:25 PM
The small community where I lived provided for all of our needs. We also had jobs to do but these were really similar to callings. I can’t remember exactly what my calling was. I think it had to do with assigning living locations for different people to new locations. My mother was here and she would always be lying out getting a tan. Nathan was also here and he lived on the bottom floor of the Motel-like housing complex. Big Steve lived here as well and he was just as thug as ever. Somehow I was able to pull some strings where I would be trained in a similar calling whereas I was first assigning living areas to people, I would now be actually helping evaluate where people needed/wanted to live. A cute brunette was currently doing this and so I was to train her in my calling and then she would train me in hers and we would just end up switching without the big wigs worrying about it. The community wasn’t all about work. For example there was a nerdy-jock guy like Billy the blue power ranger who lived there as well. He was climbing out onto some bamboo poles high up hanging out the side of a tree. To scoot up he had to straddle both poles. His friend was right behind him. The only problem was at the other tree where the poles ended, there was a cartoon-like venomous spider with a large spikey ball that it was protecting. It probably was going to bite the guy but I woke up.


Sunday, February 3, 2008 at 5:23 PM
Our neighbor (the shrew) would always be snooping around our place to bust us with zoning violations. She had even set up closed circuit tv cameras in our house to watch with her husband. One day once everyone had left, I stuck around in the garage and she started coming over to adjust the cameras. It seems she would always sneak in through the garage. I threw a fit and started yelling at her. I reached down and on the floor was a scuba diving flipper so I grabbed it and started to beat her upside the head with it. I walloped and wailed on her until she left back across the street. The thing was, it was more humiliating to her than painful because she kept getting slapped every time she tried to explain herself.

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