
Saturday, December 8, 2007 at 5:09 PM
There was a large pool on a hill. It somehow defied the law of gravity and the surface of it was sloped downward. There was a hidden button on the top of it that if you pushed it, it would cause the pool to turn into a gigantic swell that would crash at the bottom of the pool. Outside of it even. We would try to bodysurf it in, but every time, I would be swimming too fast so I would be launched forward, suspended in the air over the wave and I would flail to try and land in the water. We wanted to do it again but felt bad because it killed some people who happened to be swimming in it at the time. One old guy was slammed and caught in a chain link fence near the bottom of the pool. We still did it a couple of more times but I never caught a wave, just always ahead of it.


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