
Sunday, January 13, 2008 at 5:21 PM
I would have to do a crazy 45 minute commute to work every morning. It involved driving downtown under all the bridges where I would catch a metro-like thing. I somehow ended up at a church activity (of a family ward) where I ran into Annalisa Milo. She had grown up quite a bit and we were talking about life and such. I found out that the restaurant was still open and running up in Salt Lake. I dropped by and started talking to the Milos. Turns out that Nerissa is living in China doing business. I happened to be there at the restaurant right before they opened and so the Milos were doing a training with the servers. Sister Milo introduced me to everyone there and mentioned how I was just back visiting even after leaving on such terrible terms. Allusions to them knowing this fact kept popping up. Afterwards I was talking with the servers, dividing out their tips and asking about who usually does that job now that Nerissa was gone? Some guy went off on a tangent explaining how Cucina Tuscana was doomed because on the first night of summer when he opened the porch, somehow an ill biblical omen was there. I think it was some number of people who came in or something. He was raving that no one else noticed it, but that it was clear as day. His argument was very convincing. After that I was talking with Sister Milo again and she had mentioned that they still had the painting that I had given them. I didn’t remember any painting, but suddenly memories started flowing back of a family portrait that I had given to them as a gift. I joked and said “I would really like to come over and see that painting. I’m surprised you still have it!”


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