
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 6:00 PM
I was taking my family on a vacation/trip to visit some cool places in Southern Utah. Then, it was as if it was a game. A game I had already played before sometime except that some things were new. We were stopped in the middle of the street by a blockade. The people in the city acted straight out of a H.P. Lovecraft story. They were busy summoning some dark evil sludge monster. There were actually 3 of them in total, and I was able to dice them up with a samurai sword one by one. After that, the villagers returned to normal and one of the girls there my age fell in love with me. Too bad I had to leave and continue South with my family. As we drove off, I said "I don't remember all of this happening last time." Lastly we came to a swamp filled slot canyon. A crocodile-hunter type guy had set up the only way through. It seemed like a zoo crossed with a narrow loch-system (like in the panama canal). Inside he had a pet/wild great white shark. He demonstrated the ferocity of it by sending some of his goons/slave children running around near the water covered in fresh blood. He then explained it to us thusly: We would all get our packs and slowly wade through the water in a certain formation and moving a certain speed. The shark would interpret us to be a boat of some sort and leave us alone. Somehow, Cameron and Wesley had gotten to the other side of the slot canyon (probably from jumping and climbing around) and so it was just me, Nathan, Mom Dad and Joanna. As we were slowly shuffling through the water, the shark bit onto Nathan's thigh. It wasn't biting hard enough to break skin, but it did make things a bit more nerve racking. As the shark was hanging there, our guide suggested everyone pour their soda into the water. The sugar crystallized and formed a hard crunchy layer on the water that we were able to climb on top of and slowly walk to the opposite side of the slot canyon.


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