
Thursday, April 30, 2009 at 6:33 PM
This all took place in Sugarhouse at some Frat type houses. The girls we knew threw a big party celebration thing. Brityn was there so it was fun talking with her about married life and such. We were also located near a mall where the girls could dress up and just ride the escalator and guys would just pick them up then and there. Maybe this took place in New Orleans. Because one of the plantation looking houses had suffered some water damage, but now it had been restored for the party. There was also a diving competition that was going on, only instead of diving, they had waterslides. Really weirdly arranged ones with hairpin bends and vertical drops. I had my socks on when I went headfirst and backwards so I had to hold my feet up for speed. I didn't do very well, but I wasn't competing.


Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 6:32 PM
There was an island with an ancient cavern system under it. Like Wayne manor. Only the place was even older. More like from the 1800's, at least the manor. The cavern system was discovered by a Leonardo Da'Vinci type character and a swarm of bees lived below in the caverns. He asked himself, "Where does the color brown get it's energy?" and deduced that it comes from the sun, into plants (green) where the bees take that energy from the flowers and turn it into a form of energy in honey. Basically vitamin C, only the guy didn't know about it then. He used this idea as a form of renewable energy to genetically modify the bees so that he could pull power from the swarm as they flew around. One day, he called his son into his study where he showed him the map of the underground caverns. He explained that above ground, where there was a large natural land bridge, they would go underground and connect the two sides of the caves to let the bee's get access to other parts of the island through the underground. I was on the beach with some friends where we were trying to decide what to do. I think we wanted to explore the cavern system. Kate was there and she freaked out and pulled out a gun. We knew that someone was going to die, but we didn't know who it was. Kate turned the gun on herself but at the last minute aimed it at me and shot me in the head. I fell backwards into the water but I wasn't dead. The bullet had incapacitated me somehow but I was very much alive and didn't think I would die. Everyone saw me get shot it the head and figured that was the end for me. My friend Erik came over to me and gave me some re-assuring words before he pushed me out into the ocean past the waves where I was captured by the current. I just wished I was dead instead of in that immobilized situation. I knew the flowing blood from my head would attract sharks but at the same time I started sinking and the drowning didn't hurt. I imagined how all the fish would start to eat my remains but I knew I wouldn't feel anything if I just hurried up and drowned. But I was still conscious as I sank.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 6:30 PM
Our airplane either went to or crashed on a strange island. Sort of like Lost. Only mixed with Jurassic Park. I was there with my family. Initially we had no clue what was going on and so we decided to explore along the cliff side. Then a large robotic/godzilla hybrid harvester came after us. We hid down in some sandy holes but the sand below kept slipping out and mom almost fell down at one time. There was a moment when I actually thought she was dead. The harvester was right above us trying so hard to capture us. It even shot me in the stomach with strange knife bullets. Once it finally gave up and went away we continued further. The cities were always ruined and dilapidated. Muddy roads and almost western style wooden houses and buildings I was trying to find some money to use but there wasn't anything good. There were tons of different sizes of coins and such. I found a buffalo dollar. So many of the coins were smashed like they had been on a railroad because of the harvesters that would go around on tank treads and such. The only thing that was worth anything was things that "lasted" so not copper or gold or coins but things that lasted longer. They also had to have a certain relief carving/emblem on them. In this case it was a two-headed eagle. Also the native religion was very Hindi. With people at one time asking me what my favorite god was and I just went along with it and said Shiva. But I really wanted to say Kali Ma, only I was worried they would be offended. This was at a particular residence when we were slowly moving through and abandoned wooden mall. We had already gone through part of the mall that was new and full of Disneyland type stores. But in this part of the mall, we (the people of the resistance) were positive that there was, I knew that this part of the underground was somehow being swarmed by the robotic harvesters, only they must have been smaller versions so they could fit inside the hallways and such. There was a particular guy who was leading the resistance and he was giving people incentive to check out one last room that was nearby to make sure we had it secured. I had somehow found a baseball bat and a knife that I stowed in my sock/shoe because I didn't have a boot. Some people had some interesting shotguns with curved nozzles that they could aim around corners. It was really dark and I'm sure the people below us were worried that we were above them making noise, but we knew that we weren't the machines. A guy came in and he was really fat and he walked over to me and I yelled out "Hurley" only as he got closer I realized that he wasn't Hurley. He looked like him though, only he was older. He ended up sitting next to his wife/girlfriend and they were eating something.

We were getting shuttled to the place. The train system seemed to be a cross between an airplane and a rollercoaster. I had placed a towel and my hoodie in the car in front o me but as the train was arriving in the large round tunnels, the cars would slide parallel to each other and get routed down separate tracks. Once we all got off, I ran back to try and look for it because it had gotten separated from me. A nurse noticed something different about me and the way I was acting so she tried to give me a shot. The drug was supposed to remove my sex drive and make me more submissive to the harvesters and the people with political power. I got into an argument with the Nurse, she was saying that everyone got the shot and that I needed it especially because I was so intent on procreating? We got into a scuffle where I got hold of the syringe and stuck her in the back of the neck. The drug knocked her out and she fell to the ground. I got out of the medical type wing of the station. Doing that somehow gave me the advantage to see the harvester coming or to know that we were in danger and I was able to warn my family and escape, even though most of the people were already being captured as they left the complex. The Harvester was driven/controlled by some witch type lady who hated us.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 6:07 PM
There was a new mall that we were exploring. It was really big. Like the great mall of the great plains in Olathe. Only thing was, I think it might have been located somewhere in California. On one of the shorter wings, it had a large movie theatre and so it seemed to be that we couldn't get through to the other side. Taylor and I decided to walk outside a bit and we saw a cheap no-name skate shop on the outside. We looked across the movie place and saw an identical tower so we knew that there had to be a way across. They had some soft hoodies and such in the skate shop which was one of their selling points. Also, they only cost 3 dollars. The last name of the store owners was something German, really close to Cailie's last name Ercanbraker or something. I made a note to ask her about any relatives she had that might own a skate shop. So we went back into the mall to cut through behind the movie theatre to get over to the other side. A hallway ramped up into an atrium type place that was the food court. It felt like a cross between an ewok village and some old German coo-coo clock. Bridges and wooden structures everywhere with catchy little non-mainstream names for shops and food places. We saw some blond girls that Taylor knew so we sat by them and started to talk. Things took a change to me somehow being on an aircraft carrier. A Russian sub had surfaced along our Port side and it was such a big sub that they had a tank already unloaded and it was driving on top of it with some solders. Everyone was surprised by its appearance as if the sonar hadn't picked up any of it. I was hurrying to accommodate them by lowering some dry dock thing that they could drive off the back of the sub and onto our ship. At the stern of the ship there was one of those portal things on aircraft carriers and all I had to do was use my clearance to push some green buttons and started opening doors and lowering ramps and such. Once I got into the holding area, there were some more stairways that could have been activated so that the Russians wouldn't just be stuck in the holding area but I didn't have clearance, or they just weren't loading. So once they got on the boat, they were very limited on where they could go/explore which is a good thing I guess because they were kind of like bad guys or something.

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