Wooden Steps

Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 12:44 PM
Downtown Provo south of Center street there is a cemetery with run down ruins that resemble a medieval cathedral. One of the ruins seemed like a backdrop from an old western except it resembled the front of the ruins of Al Khazneh in Petra, Jordan. I was with friends exploring these ruins that we didn’t even know existed so close to home. I vaguely remember a girl being there who had a crush on me but since Kelsey was in my life this one girl was just annoying. My mom found a building with a burnt out interior and just cement walls with wooden 2x4s lying across the open basement/foundation. As I started stepping in and balancing on the boards to explore the area I heard a deep voice and wooden panels started to appear along the bottom of the basement as well as up where I was walking. “As the steps appear on top and below, follow them into the unknown.” This made the exploration much easier and less dangerous but something tugging at the back of my mind reminded me of the “haunted place” and all I wanted to do was get out of there.


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